Prayer Wall

  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for comfort and peace for me as I’m grieving.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Death/Grief
    Campus: Online
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for my 17 year old nephew, W. He's has gotten into trouble and will spend time in a Christian based boarding school. He does not want go. I believe he is depressed among other issues. He believes the world is against him at this point and time.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 13 times.
    I Prayed

    I have a trans coworker and just wanted prayers for the Lord to soften her heart to hearing about Him and also for courage on my part to speak to her in grace and truth on behalf of the Lord.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    A friend’s brother has been in the hospital since February. Praying for healing and for family support.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 12 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for strength as I rededicate my life to Jesus

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Salvation/Rededication
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 13 times.
    I Prayed

    Help in good life choices.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 11 times.
    I Prayed

    Finances, behavior, family life

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 11 times.
    I Prayed

    Good day fellow believers! Please include in your prayers the Philippines to be spared by this strong typhoon Noru. Thank you and God bless us all.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Praying my grandson M will be able to see his daughter H. l pray Heavenly Father soften the heart of her mother and ,she find it in her heart to let him be a partof his daughter's life.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 12 times.
    I Prayed

    Please help me pray for my granson M his truck got stolen. I pray it is found.

    Received: September 25, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Alvin