Prayer Wall

  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 12 times.
    I Prayed

    Prayers for my financial struggles and to find the right path in employment. For the willingness to do the footwork to find the right job for me to follow God’s plan for me.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 12 times.
    I Prayed

    Requesting prayer for God’s will in my love life. To find peace in knowing God has a plan and it’s ok not to know what that is.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Relationship
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 11 times.
    I Prayed

    Praying for Bg as she is struggling with her mental health. Help her to have a better work/life balance and to effectively communicate her needs to those around her.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 13 times.
    I Prayed

    Something is going to happen tomorrow at my work. I’m afraid I may be fired. I have idea why and am not being given any details about our meeting but am led to believe it is for that reason. I have no other income and am a single mom who loves paycheck to paycheck and I do not have a savings. My bills are astronomical and my income barely covers them right now. I’m so scared.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 17 times.
    I Prayed

    I would like to ask for prayers for my job kids grandma(baba) she is very sick with stage 4 lung cancer that has invaded all her body now. Please pray for her comfort and for pain relief and for her to be able to go home and be at peace. Lord please let this be your will and send your angels to comfort the family. In your name we pray Amen.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for me as I am battling with anxiety and panic attacks. Thank you.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Thank you for the prayers for my job search. I received news two weeks ago that I didn’t get the first job I was interviewing for and yesterday I received word that the position I was really hoping for was cancelled. I trust in God that it wasn’t for me! Now asking Him to direct my steps and to stay encouraged. I have another interview next Friday, Oct 7th. Prayers also for two friends who lost their jobs to find jobs quickly. Praying for us to do exceedingly well and for God’s perfect will!

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 13 times.
    I Prayed

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessing of good health. Asking for prayers for M.L,- please aid the doctors and specialists to properly diagnose and create an action plan for therapy. Ease the families frustration and lead them to those with answers. Let this be a time for their faith to grow and health to be restored.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    My mom has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now with Liver and kidney issues. They cannot find the source of her issue. I ask for prayer to guide the doctors to find whats wrong. The Lords will be done.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray over my wisdom teeth removal tomorrow. Praying for a smooth process with a great recovery and no complications. In Jesus name.

    Received: September 27, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288