Prayer Wall

  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 17 times.
    I Prayed

    My daughter in law lost her job Friday over a misunderstanding between her and the owner. Even though the GM tried everything he could to help it just wasn’t happening. She needs prayers to find another job as quickly as possible so her and my son don’t have to struggle anymore than they are already. Also need prayers for my daughter boyfriend who is now homeless and looking for a job. He needs help getting all is identification as well.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: Webster
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    My anxiety and my depression has gotten hold of me strongly lately and it's gotten so bad that all I could do is cry I'm a recovering addict with four years clean and I just don't want to fail

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Online
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for my sister L, her husband M, and my brother M. My sister and brother use to be believers but aren't anymore. My sister gets angry with Christians and doesn’t want anything to do with Jesus. Talking about God puts her in a rage and she tries to debunk Christianity. Please pray for them and for their salvation. Need prayers for hearts to be softened and eyes/ears to by open.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Salvation/Rededication
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Our brother in Christ, R, is in need of prayers. He has several health issues. Recently, he is in ICU, intubated and on a ventilator. He is struggling with prostate cancer, previous lung cancer & breathing issues. Please surround him in prayer for healing & peace, may God's will be done.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 12 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for my sister l.s healing from glaucoma problems and pressure of the eyeballs problems healing from.elevated calcium levels. Healing from thyroid problems and parathyroid problems

    Received: October 1, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Online
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Update on my Second car accident.First of all I wanted to thank you for all your prayers! Little by little I'm getting better. The accident left me with L4,L5,S1 herniated, my whole spine is compressed. I've been doing therapy everyday, muscles relaxer and pain killers.I never imagined being like this at 37 Y.O I'm going back to work Monday. Plz pray for me bc i dont want to have surgery 😔 and to keep working on myself with PTSD, anxiety and depression. Thank you so very much!!!! G ❤️‍🩹

    Received: October 1, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Thank you Father for continued blessings. Thank you for the opportunity to take time off and spend it with loved ones. Watch over us, and protect us with traveling grace Lord. Also, please keep our pets safe and happy until our return.

    Received: October 1, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: Alvin
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 13 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for my injured left leg and my entire health as Im having scary time with my health as I fell during Autumnal Equinox and since then things have only getting worse. Now also my parents are struggling with serious social, living, financial and health crisis 24/7. Then my friends are also struggling with their health issues. We are living quite dark times as the amount of problems are only increasing and there no joy and peace left. Thanks for your support. May GOD bless us all. Amen.

    Received: September 30, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: No Campus
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 19 times.
    I Prayed

    A friend’s son H is in the hospital with multiple severe health issues.

    Received: September 30, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 17 times.
    I Prayed

    Please do pray for my parents and for my sister, my friends and for myself. One week ago my left knee injured badly and now Im struggling with pain and also with mental problems. This was allready a fourth accident, that happened to me since last December Im worried as I dont know If Ill survive and Im scared and sad because of my parents as well. What scares me most is, that I have Lost touch in my life and Im still lost and confused. Im a prisoner of my own mind. Please GOD Release us! Amen.

    Received: September 29, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: No Campus