Prayer Wall

  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    For anxiety

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for my Aunt L. She was in an accident at work last week and she is has been taken off life support and is on Hospice. She is in NH and he husband has little family there to support him and we are not able to afford to travel to be with him. Please pray for healing and strength.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for her to get connected at New Hope. Pray for her health, employment and living arrangements.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Please pray for good outcome.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Other
    Campus: 288
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Pray for upcoming surgery Oct 7th for repair of Achilles’ tendons and bone spurs

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 16 times.
    I Prayed

    I lost my job last week. There are some nasty things being said about me in the company and it’s hurtful. I am also praying for a job that can pay my bills asap as I’m a single mom without savings.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    M is having a PET Scan Monday to find out if her cancer has spread. Praying that it has not.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 15 times.
    I Prayed

    Recently was let go by my job unjustly. In a very stressful spot. Asking for empathy and urgent prayers. We’ve never been in this situation before just looking for a way out without any heavy repercussions.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Finances/Job
    Campus: Webster
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    F - prayers for healing from pancreatic cancer, C & T - healing from breast cancer, J - healing from Leukemia, B - healing from cancer Prayers of strength and hope, and wisdom for the medical teams treating them

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues
    Campus: Friendswood
  • Anonymous

    Prayed for 14 times.
    I Prayed

    Healing over C. Pain in side. Stronger walk with Christ. Peace and strength during the wait.

    Received: October 2, 2022
    Category: Health Issues