I’m asking for prayer for my son and his platoon who will be on their journey to the crucible on Monday15-17 at 2am to become a United States Marine .May God lift them up and help them through their last and final challenge .
Prayers please for God to heal me. Thank you so much and God’s richest blessings to all the New Hope families and future generations always!
Please pray for my sister S for strength to overcome addiction. Pray for me i
Please pray my son does well on his new joy with a job this summer. Give him the confidence and favor with each day!! And that he will find a a good church to attend and put God first.
Update Thank YOU for the power of prayer! Our son made it safe to New Jersey without any issues. Long drive broken into 2 days. Keep him in your prayers as he starts his internship with a company that was also an answered prayer. God is ALWAYS good!
Please pray for her husband, B. He is in a Life Group but please pray for him to continue this journey.
I work for an employment agency and have a chance at getting a huge contract with a huge company to allow our company to hire for them. This would be awesome for me and the company
Please pray for her son, D, who is going through a tough time right now. Pray for God to guide him and that he feels God’s presence.
Prayers for my daughter. God will lead her the way she needs to go and back to Him.
Mother has bronchitis and random anxiety attacks , heart starts beating fast , back pains ....also might be pre diabetic . Maybe a female change ? I just pray for healing and peace health wise .